viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008


It means welcome. And here, you truly are. You're welcome to dream. Of endless sun and scenery.
Of breathtaking blues and crystal clear ocean and white, sandy beaches. You're welcome to plan the ideal family vacation or wedding or honeymoon or meeting or simple escape to a colorful world away from home. You're welcome to explore. To make everything that's ours yours. To find the perfect something, or nothing, to do.Welcome to Aruba. This is our home. And we want to share it with you.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008


Y el sentimiento me sale por los poros, no puedo esconderlo.
"En estas condiciones, creo sinceramente que lo mejor es tragarse una cápsula de dinamita y encender, con toda tranquilidad, un cigarrillo", diría Oliverio.